Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay about Three Main Approaches to Public Administration

The three approaches to public administration are political, managerial, and legal. In the political approach, political authority is divided between a central government and the provincial or state governments. This means that some provinces or states are accorded a substantial measure of constitutional or legal sovereignty, although they still remain subordinates of the central government in certain constitutional or legal respects. The political approach promotes the political values of military strength, economic development, union, and representation. In addition, it is characterized by three central features: state sovereignty, bicameralism, and multiple layers of representation. State sovereignty means that the states would†¦show more content†¦One of the advantages of the managerial approach is that it enables the government to adapt to regional or local conditions, especially given that the various regions in a large nation such as the United States would likely have different physical characteristics in terms of their hydrology, topography, and climate. In addition, a managerial or decentralized approach enables the government to keep its span of control manageable, that is, the number of subordinates that report to an administrative official is reduced. In turn, this enables an administrative official to more effectively supervise their subordinates. Even with a decentralized approach, it may still be possible to implement national guidelines to local conditions. In sum, the managerial approach promotes the managerial values of economy, efficiency, responsiveness to clients and customers, and administrative effectiveness. Finally, the legal approach ensures that the entire nation is integrated or kept together by the constitutional law despite the decentralization of administrative authority, which enables different states and administrative units to impose different laws. In particular, it is possible for the autonomy of the various administrative units to impede national economic development and to lead to the violation of individual rights and standards of decency. In this regard, theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Approaches to Public Administration840 Words   |  4 Pages| Approaches to Public Administration | | | Reuby Benson | 3/18/2012 | | There are different approaches to running a government. There are those that believe that the government should be run like a private business. Then there are those that believe in representativeness and the separation of powers that rest in the government to properly operate the government. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The History of Slavery in the Americas - 732 Words

Europeans expansion of their empires lacked one major resource, strong, hardworking people. Most times the native people had proved to be an unreliable source of work. Most of the natives were dying from diseases, and Europeans were unfit to the climate and suffered from tropical diseases. Africans were excellent workers. They had experience of agriculture and keeping cattle. They were used to a tropical climate and hot climates. They were also failure with tropical diseases, and they could work very hard on plantations and in mines. In the early 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as an inexpensive, harder labored source, much better than indentured servants (who were mostly poor Europeans). In 1619, a Dutch ship brought 20 African Americans to the British colonies of Jamestown, Virginia, Charleston, and mostly any other big cities on the cost. Slavery spread throughout the American colonies pretty fast. It is impossible to give an exact number, but some historians have estimated that 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the Americas during the 18th century alone. They took some of Africa’s healthiest and most capable men and women. The first stage of the Triangular Trade involved taking manufactured goods from Europe and to Africa. They sent goods like cloth, tobacco, beads, metal goods, and guns. The guns were used to help expand European empires and capture more slaves. They were helpful until the Africans got hold of it, thenShow MoreRelatedEssay about History of Slavery in America1731 Words   |  7 Pages Just because we don’t hear it every day doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I decided to do Slave Rights to remind people that there is still slavery in the world today. If people are educated about the past then they may not make the same mistakes in the future. It has been postulated that ancient civilizations would not have developed had it not been for slavery. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Night World Secret Vampire Chapter 10 Free Essays

Things have to be right,† Poppy said. â€Å"Things have to be just right for this. Get some candles, Phil. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Secret Vampire Chapter 10 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Phil was looking ashen and haggard. â€Å"Candles?† â€Å"As many as you can find. And some pillows. I need lots of pillows.† She knelt by the stereo to examine a haphazard pile of CDs. Phil stared at herbriefly, then went out. † Structures from Silence . . .no. Too repetitious,†Poppy said, rummaging through the pile.† Deep Forest-no.Too hyper. I need somethingambient.† â€Å"How about this?† James picked a CD up. Poppylooked at the label. Music to Disappear In. Of course. It was perfect. Poppy took the CD andmet James’s gaze. Usually he referred to the hauntingsoft strains of ambient music as ‘New Age mush.’ â€Å"You understand,† she said quietly. â€Å"Yes. But you’re not dying, Poppy. This isn’t adeath scene you’re setting up.† â€Å"But I’m going away. I’m changing.† Poppy couldn’t explain exactly, but something in her saidshe was doing the right thing. She was dying to her old life. It was a solemn occasion, a Passage. And of course, although neither of them mentioned it, they both knew shemightdie for good.James had been very frank about that-some peopledidn’t make it through the transition. Phil came back with candles, Christmas candles,emergency candles, scented votive candles. Poppy directed him to place them around the room and lightthem. She herself went to the bathroom to change into her best nightgown. It was flannel, with a pattern of little strawberries. Just imagine, she thought as she left the bathroom.This is the last time I’ll ever walk down this hall, thelast time I’ll push open my bedroom door. The bedroom was beautiful. The soft glow of candlelight gave it an aura of sanctity, of mystery. Themusic was unearthly and sweet, and Poppy felt shecould fall into it forever, the way she fe!l in herdreams. Poppy opened the closet and used a hanger to bata tawny stuffed lion and a floppy gray Eeyore down from the top shelf. She took them to her bed and put them beside the mounded pillows. Maybe it wasstupid, maybe it was childish, but she wanted themwith her. She sat on the bed and looked at James and Phillip. They were both looking at her. Phil was dearly upset,touching his mouth to stop its trembling. James wasupset, too, although only someone who knew him aswell as Poppy did would have been able to tell. â€Å"It’s all right,† Poppy told them. â€Å"Don’t you see?I’mall right, so there’s no excuse for you not to be.† And the strange thing was, it was the truth. Shewas all right. She felt calm and clear now, as if everything had become very simple. She saw the road ahead of her, and all she had to do was follow it, step by step. Phil came over to squeeze her hand. â€Å"How does this how does this work?† he asked James huskily. â€Å"First we’ll exchange blood,† James said-speaking to Poppy. Looking only at her. â€Å"It doesn’t haveto be a lot; you’re right on the border ofchangingalready. Then the two kinds of blood fight it outsort of the last battle, if you see what I mean.† He smiled faintly and painfully, and Poppy nodded. â€Å"While that’s happening you’ll feel weaker andweaker. And then you’ll just go to sleep. Thechange happens while you’re asleep.† â€Å"And when do I wake up?† Poppy asked. â€Å"I’ll give you a kind of posthypnotic suggestion about that. Tell you to wake up whenI come to getyou. Don’t worry about it; I’ve got all the detailsfigured out. All you need to do is rest.† Phil was running nervous hands through his hair,as if he was just now thinking about what kind ofdetails he and James were going to have to deal with. â€Å"Wait a minute,† he said in almost a croak. â€Å"When—— whenyou say ‘sleep’-she’s going to look†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Dead,† Poppy supplied, when his voice ran out. James gave Phil a cold look. â€Å"Yes. We’ve beenover this.† â€Å"And then-we’re really going to-what’s going tohappento her?† James glared. â€Å"It’s okay,† Poppy said softly. â€Å"Tell him.† â€Å"You know what’s going to happen,† James saidthrough clenched teeth to Phillip. â€Å"She can’t just dis appear. We’d have the policeandthe Night peo pleafter us, looking for her. No, it’s got to seem that shedied from the cancer, and that means everything’s got to happen exactly the way it would if she haddied. Phil’s sick expression said he wasn’t at his mostrational. â€Å"You’re sure there isn’t any other way?† â€Å"No,†James said. Phil wet his lips. â€Å"Oh, God.† Poppy herself didn’t want to dwell on it too much.She said fiercely,†Dealwith it, Phil. You’ve got to. And remember, if it doesn’t happen now it’s goingto happen in a few weeks-for real.† Phil was holding on to one of the brass bedpostsso hard that his knuckles were pale. But he’d gottenthe point, and there was no one better than Phil atbracing himself. â€Å"You’re right,† he saidthinly, with the ghost of his old efficient manner. â€Å"Okay, I’m dealing with it.† ‘Then let’s get started,† Poppy said, making hervoice calm and steady. As if she were dealing witheverything effortlessly herself. James said to Phil, â€Å"You don’t want to see thispart. Go out and watch TV for a few minutes.† Phil hesitated, then nodded and left. â€Å"One thing,† Poppy said to James as she scootedto the middle_ of the bed. She was still trying desperately to sound casual. â€Å"After the funeral-well, I’ll be asleep, won’t I? I won’t wake up †¦ you know.In my nice little coffin.† She looked up at him. â€Å"It’s just that I’m claustrophobic, a little.† â€Å"You won’t wake up there,† James said. â€Å"Poppy,I wouldn’t let that happen to you. Trust me; I’ve thought of everything.† Poppy nodded. I do trust you, she thought. Then she held her arms out to him. He touched her neck, so she tilted her chin back.As the blood was drawn from her, she felt her mind drawn into his. Don’t worry, Poppy. Don’t be afraid. Allhis thoughtswere ferociously protective. And even though it onlyconfirmed that there was something to be afraidof,that this could go wrong, Poppy felt peaceful. Thedirect sense of his love made her calm, flooded her with light. She suddenly felt distance and height and depthspaciousness. As if her horizons had expanded almostto infinity in an instant. As if she’d discovered a new dimension.Asif there were no limits or obstacles to what she and James could do together. She felt †¦ free. I’m getting light-headed, she realized. She couldfeel herself going limp in James’s arms. Swooninglike a wilting flower. I’vetaken enough,James said in her mind.Thewarmanimalmouth on her throat pulled back.†Now it’s your turn.† This time, though, he didn’t make the cut at hiswrist. He took off his T-shirt and, with a quick, impulsive gesture, ran a fingernail along the base of his throat. Oh, Poppy thought. Slowly, almost reverently, she leaned forward. James’s hand supported the back ofher head. Poppy put her arms around him, feelinghis bare skin under the flannel of her nightgown. It was better this way. But if James was right, itwas another last time. She and James could neverexchange blood again. I can’t accept that, Poppythought, but she couldn’tconcentrate on anything for very long. This time, instead of clearing her brain, the wild, intoxicatingvampire blood was making her more confused. Moreheavy and sleepy. James? It’s all right. It’s the beginning of the change. Heavy†¦sleepy†¦warm. Lapped in salty oceanwaves. She could almost picture the vampire bloodtrickling through her veins, conquering everything inits path. It was ancient blood, primeval. It was changing her into something old, something that had been around since the dawn of time. Something primitive and basic. Every molecule in her body, changing†¦ Poppy, can you hear me?James was shaking herslightly. Poppy had been so engrossed in the sensations that she hadn’t even realized she wasn’t drinking any longer. James was cradling her. â€Å"Poppy.† It was an effort to open her eyes. â€Å"I’m all right. Just†¦ sleepy.† His arms tightened around her, then he laid hergently on the mounded pillows. â€Å"You can rest now. I’ll get Phil.† But before he went, he kissed her on the forehead. My first kiss, Poppy thought, her eyes drifting shutagain. And I’m comatose. Great. She felt the bed give under weight and looked upto see Phil. Phil looked very nervous, sitting gingerly,staring at Poppy. â€Å"So what’s happening now?† heasked. â€Å"The vampire blood’s taking over,† James said. Poppy said, â€Å"I’m really sleepy.† There was no pain. Just a feeling of wanting toglide away. Her body now felt warm and numb, asif she were insulated by a soft, thick aura. â€Å"Phil? I forgot to say-thank you. For helping out.And everything. You’re a good brother, Phil.† â€Å"You don’t have to say that now,† Phil said tersely. â€Å"You can say it later. I’m still going to be here later,you know.† But I might not be, Poppy thought. This is all a gamble. And I’d never take it, except that the only alternative was to give up without even trying to fight. I fought, didn’t I? At least I fought. â€Å"Yes, you did,† Phil said, his voice trembling.Poppy hadn’t been aware she was speaking aloud.†You’ve always been a fighter,† Phil said. â€Å"I’velearned so much from you.† Which was funny, because she’d learned so muchfrom him,even if most of it was in the last twenty four hours. She wanted to tell him that, but therewas so much to say, and she was so tired. Her tongue felt thick; her whole body weak and languorous. â€Å"Just†¦hold my hand,† she said, and she couldhear that her voice was no louder than a breath.Phillip took one of her hands and James the other. That was good. This was the way to do it, withEeyore and her lion on the pillows beside her andPhil and James holding her hands, keeping her safe and anchored. One of the candles was scented with vanilla, awarm and homey smell. A smell that reminded herof being a kid. Nilla wafers and naptime. That waswhat this was like. Just a nap in Miss Spurgeon’s kindergarten, with the sun slanting across the floorand James on a mat beside her. So safe, so serene†¦ â€Å"Oh, Poppy,† Phil whispered. James said, â€Å"You’re doing great, kiddo. Everything’s just right.† That was what Poppy needed to hear. She let herself fall backward into the music, and it waslike falling in a dream, without fear. It was like being a raindrop falling into the ocean that had started you. At the last moment she thought, I’m not ready. But she already knew the answer to that. Nobodywas ever ready. But she’d been stupid-she’d forgotten the mostimportant thing. She’d never told James she lovedhim. Not even when he’d said he loved her. She tried to get enough air, enough strength to sayit. But it was too late. The outside world was goneand she couldn’t feel her body any longer. She was floating in the darkness and the music, and all she could do now was sleep. â€Å"Sleep,† James said, leaning dose to Poppy. â€Å"Don’twake up until I call you. Just sleep.† Every muscle in Phil’s body was rigid. Poppylooked so peaceful-pale, with her hair spread out incoppery curls on the pillow, and her eyelashes blackon her cheeks and her lips parted as she breathedgently. She looked like a porcelain baby doll. But the more peaceful she got, the more terrified Phil felt. I can deal with this, he told himself.I haveto. Poppy gave a soft exhalation, and then suddenlyshe was moving. Her chest heaved once, twice. Herhand tightened on Phil’s and her eyes flew openbut she didn’t seem to be seeing anything. She simply looked astonished. â€Å"Poppyl† Phil grabbed at her, getting a handful offlannel nightgown. She was so small and fragile in side it. â€Å"Poppyl† The heaving gasps stopped. For one moment Poppywas suspended in air, then her eyes closed and shefell back on the pillows. Her hand was limp in Phil’s. Phil lost all rationality. â€Å"Poppy,† he said, hearing the dangerous, unbalanced tone in his own voice. â€Å"Poppy, come on.Poppy, wake up!†-on a rising note. His hands were shaking violently, scrabbling at Poppy’s shoulders. Other hands pushed his away. â€Å"What the hell areyou doing?† James said quietly. â€Å"Poppy? Poppy?† Phil kept staring at her. Herchest wasn’t moving. Her face had a look of-innocent release. The kind of newness you only see inbabies. And it was-changing. Taking on a white, transparent look. It was uncanny, ghostlike, and even though Phil had never seen a corpse, he knew instinctively that this was the death pallor. Poppy’s essence had left her. Her body was flat andtoneless, no longer inflated by the vital spirit. Herhand in Phil’s was slack, not like the hand of a sleeping person. Her skin had lost its shine, as if somebodyhad breathed on it softly. Phil threw back his head and let out an animalsound. It wasn’t human. It was a howl. â€Å"You killed her!† He tumbled off the bed andlurched toward James. â€Å"You said she was just goingto sleep, but you killed herl She’s dead!† James didn’t back away from the attack. Instead,he grabbed Phil and dragged him out intothe hallway. â€Å"Hearing is the last sense to go,† he snarled inPhillip’s ear. â€Å"She may be able tohear you.† Phil wrenched free and ran toward the living room. He didn’t know what he was doing, he only knew that he needed to destroy things. Poppy wasdead. She was gone. He grabbed the couch andflipped it over, then kicked the coffee table over, too. He snatched up a lamp, yanked its cord out of thesocket, and threw it toward the fireplace. â€Å"Stop it!† James shouted over the crash. Phil sawhim and ran at him. The sheer force of his charge knocked James backward into the wall. They fell tothe floor together in a heap. â€Å"You-killed her!† Phil gasped, trying to get hishands around James’s throat. Silver.James’s eyes blazed like the molten metal.He grabbed Phil’s wrists in a painful grip. â€Å"Stop itnow,Phillip,† he hissed. Something about the way he said it made Phil stop.Almost sobbing, he struggled to get air into his lungs. â€Å"I’ll killyouif I have to, to keep Poppy safe,† James said, his voice still savage and menacing. â€Å"And she’sonly safe if you stop this and do exactly what I tell youto.Exactlywhat I tell you. Understand?† He shook Philhard, nearly banging Phil’s head into the wall. Strangely enough, it was the right thing to say.James was saying he cared about Poppy. And weird as it might sound, Phil had come to trust James to tell the truth. The raging red insanity in Phil’s brain died away. He took a long breath. â€Å"Okay. I understand,† he said hoarsely. He was used to being in charge-both of himself and of otherpeople. He didn’t like James giving him orders. Butin this case there was no help for it. â€Å"But-she isdead, isn’t she?† â€Å"It depends on your definition,† James said, lettinggo and slowly pushing himself off the floor. Hescanned the living room, his mouth grim. â€Å"Nothingwent wrong, Phil. Everything went just the way itwas supposed to-except for this. I was going to letyour parents come back and find her, but we don’thave that option now. There isn’t any way to explain this mess, except the.truth.† â€Å"The truth being?† â€Å"That you went in there and found her dead andwent berserk. And then I called your parents-you know what restaurant they’re at, don’t you?† â€Å"It’s Valentino’s. My mom said they were lucky toget in.† â€Å"Okay. That’ll work. But first we have to clean upthe bedroom. Get all the candles and stuff out. It’sgot to look as if she just went to sleep, like anyother night.† Phil glanced at the sliding glass door. It was justgetting dark. But then Poppy had been sleeping a lotthese last few days. â€Å"We’ll say she got tired and toldus to go watch TV,† he said slowly, trying to conquer his dazed feeling and be clearheaded. â€Å"And then Iwent in after a while and checked on her.† â€Å"Right,† James said, with a faint smile that didn’treach his eyes. It didn’t take long to clear out the bedroom. Thehardest thing was that Phil had to keep looking atPoppy, and every time he looked, his heart lurched.She looked so tiny, so delicate-limbed. A Christmas angel in June. He hated to take the stuffed animals away fromher. â€Å"She is going to wake up, isn’t she?† he said, without looking at James. â€Å"God, I hope so,† James said, and his voice wasvery tired. It sounded more like a prayer than a wish.†If she doesn’t you won’t have to come after me witha stake, Phil. I’ll take care of it myself.† Phil was shocked-and angry. â€Å"Don’t be stupid,†he said brutally. â€Å"If Poppy stood for anything-if she standsfor anything-it’s for life. Throwing your life away would be like a slap in her face. Besides, evenif it goes wrong now, you did your best. Blaming yourself is just stupid.† James looked at him blankly, and Phil realizedthey’d managed to surprise each other. Then Jamesnodded slowly. â€Å"Thanks.† It was a milestone, the first time they’d ever beenon precisely the same wavelength. Phillip felt an oddconnection between them. He looked away and said briskly, â€Å"Is it time to callthe restaurant?† James glanced at his watch. â€Å"In just a fewminutes.† â€Å"If we wait too long they’re going to have left bythe time we call.† â€Å"That doesn’tmatter.What matters is that we don’t have any paramedics trying to resuscitate her, or taking her to the hospital. Which means she’s gotto be cold by the time anybody gets here.† Phil felt a wave of dizzy horror. â€Å"You’re a coldblooded snake after all.† â€Å"I’m just practical,† James said wearily, as if speaking to a child. He touched one of Poppy’s marblewhite hands where it lay on the bedspread. â€Å"Allright. It’s time. I’m going to call. You can go berserkagain if you want to.† Phil shook his head. He didn’t have the energyanymore. But he did feel like crying, which was al most as good. Crying and crying like a kid who was lost and hurt. â€Å"Get my mom,† he said thickly. He knelt on the floor beside Poppy’s bed andwaited. Poppy’s music was off and he could hear theTV in the family room. He had no sense of time passing until he also heard a car in the driveway. Then he leaned his forehead against Poppy’s mattress. His tears were absolutely genuine. At that moment he was sure he’d lost her forever. â€Å"Brace yourself,† James said from behind him.†They’re here.† How to cite Night World : Secret Vampire Chapter 10, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ethics and Sustainability for Allowances

Question: Discuss about theEthics and Sustainability for Bonuses and Allowances. Answer: Introduction: Equal pay for Equal work is considered as concept which highlights the rights of labor, as workers working in the same workplace must get equal pay. Generally, it is an issue related to sexual discrimination in context of Gender pay gap. Equal pay is considered as complete range of payments and benefits which include basic pay of employee, non-salary payments, and bonuses and allowances. There are number of countries which address this problem in effective manner (Joseph, n.d.). Act related to the equal pay requires that both men and women working at the same workplace must get equal pay for equal work. Jobs done by them must be equal but there is no such requirement which state that job must be identical. If there is any such inequality in wages between the men and women, then employer has no right to reduce the wages of either sex for the purpose of equalize their pay (SMH, 2010). This paper states the regulations, law and business ethics related to the business organization, and it also demonstrates the understanding related to the values adopted by the organization for the purpose of supporting ethical decision making. Lastly, paper is concluded with brief conclusion. Equal pay regulations law: In Australia, laws related to the equal opportunity are operated at the federal and state/territory levels. These laws restrict the treatment which is unfair and unfavorable, with any person in the organization who belongs to any specific group of people or because such person have a specific characteristic or element. Unlawful discrimination at the workplace on the basis of sex of the person is restricted by the federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth). Laws related to equal opportunities also provide protection to other type of workers (Huamn rights, n.d.; WGEA, n.d.). Direct discrimination: Organization cannot treat any of its employees of one sex in less favorable manner as compared to other employee of different sex, either in similar situations or in those situations which are not materially different. Therefore, it is important for the organization to identify any existing gender pay gaps and take actions to close these gaps, otherwise organization bear the risk of a claim related to the sex discrimination. This can be understood through example, in direct sex discrimination organization offer higher starting salary to the male graduate but lower starting salary to the female graduate for the similar work. Indirect discrimination: Organizations are under obligation to make sure that they are not imposing any condition, requirement, or practice which is unreasonable in nature. If any gender pay gaps are exists in the organization, then it is necessary to access whether there are any practices exists at the workplace which have uneven on one sex, and whether these practices are reasonable in nature. This can be understood through example, indirect sex discrimination exists when organization impose any such condition in which only full-time employees can take part in the discretionary bonus scheme of the company, and this condition is applicable in those situations when organization has more number of women employees on part-time basis as compared to male employees (FWO, n.d.). General protections: There are numbers of general protections which are introduced by the Fair Work Act 2009 for the purpose of provide protection to the employees, and this includes: Employees get protection from being treated in adverse manner because they exercise or want to exercise any workplace right, such as they want to take benefit of the parental leave. Employees also get protection from the practices of unlawful discrimination. It must be noted that, general protection laws apply in same manner as equal opportunity laws applied to the wide range of workers including other workers also. Organizations must fulfill their duties carefully under the Fair Work Act 2009 while making their decisions. Equal remunerations provisions under the Fair Work act 2009 states, power is imposing under the Fair Work Commission to make any order they consider right against an employer, if they believe that equal remuneration for equal work is not paid in the organization. This can be understood through example; the Fair Work Commission has power to make order for changing the pay rates stated in the awards and enterprise agreements (FWO, n.d.). It must be noted that in case organization fail to comply with the provisions and regulations related to the equal remuneration then Fair Work commission has power to make order which impose penalties on the organization. Requirements related to reporting stated under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth), organization engaged in non-public sector with more than 100 employees must report to the agency in context of six gender equality indicators. Equal remuneration to both men and women requires that organization must report on whether it frames any formal policy or strategy related to the remuneration. Organization must ensure that they include objectives related to gender pay equity in remuneration policy and strategy. Organization is also under obligation to ensure whether they conduct gender remuneration gap analysis on timely basis and if any issues are identified in this analysis then take appropriate action on the same (Mondaq, 2012). Business ethics related to equal pay: Ethics in business are referred as rules and patterns related to the behavior, and these rules and patters are useful when any job in the organization is conducted by management. Ethics related to business also highlight honesty, trust, respect, and fair treatment in all business relations (Workplace ethics advice, 2011). Business life throws different challenges related to the moral dilemmas such as accepting a holiday gift from the company from which person purchased goods or sell those products to the customers that they actually need instead of those products which include higher commission. Ethics related to work has been increasingly important now a day in the literature of the management and business life. Interest of ethics in business culture can be understood through socioeconomic changes and also changes occurred in the dominant values, principles, norms, etc. related to business management approaches. Ethics related to business and management fields has related to the: Requirements related to the economic, technological, and legal requirements. Responsibility related to environment and society. If there is no obligation related to above areas then optional implementation of moral principles in the organization (Bloom, 2004). Pay is considered as most important cost item for the business organization, and basic source of income for the employees working in the organization. In other words, pay is also known as relationship of exchange between the employer and employee. In this exchange employees sell their skills and time to the employer and in return employer provides compensation to the employees. Generally, this exchange is shaped as per the four alternative norms such as maximization of profit, equity, fairness, and need of employees. Applicable rules for the purpose of determining the pay from the perspective of business ethics changed as peer the characteristics of society. Generally, values and sources related to religious highlight the concept of equity as more effective and efficient approach, and this approach mainly support the equality, contribution, effort, and fairness. Previously, different studies are conducted by the experts and these studies stated that variables of demographic nature (a ge, education, profession, and gender), organizational factors (size of the organization and systematic compensation management system), and organizations social and cultural values directly affects the rules related to pay determination. From ethical point of view, key factor related to the compensation management is the payment of equal remuneration for equal work, and difference in the remuneration related to the value of work (Cascio, 2010). In context of ethical management perspective the main issues related to equal pay are equality of pay at external level. Additionally, remuneration related to the business ethics is sometime not fall under the scope of legal requirements, because it might be possible that some applications may not be legal but they are ethical in nature. From the point of view of business ethics, first stage related to the establishment of compensation management system is development of objectives related to remuneration and specifies structure related to pay, pay system, and duties and responsibilities related to the remuneration. In 1989, Strasbourg Summit introduces special European social cause, and this clause is considered as important clause while developing remuneration objectives and policies. Additionally, in 1999, OECD proposes different policies and these policies are revised, recognized, and adopted worldwide in 2004. These policies specify policies and objectives related to the organization pay. Generally, two questions are asked by the employee in context of compensation, and these questions are related to fundamental rights of the employees. First question states whether payments made by employer to the employees are fair and the second question states in which manner employees can compare their pay to other employees in the enterprise, region, and industry? Above stated questions provide guidance to the organization for establishing objectives and policies in terms of remuneration. Additional aspects in this context are profitability, pay costs, competitiveness, and remuneration which are paid to employees so that employees are able improve their daily live and secure their future. In ethical manner, ideal remuneration related to the objectives and policies satisfy the needs of the employees and motivate them and this is done by complying with the approaches related to the utilitarianism, reliability, integrity, legal compliance, equity, balance, timeliness, objectivity, and clarity (Demir ACAR, 2014). Values adopted by organization for ethical decision making: There are number of approaches which can be adopted by the organization for ensuring ethical decision making in the organization and some of these approaches are stated below: Ethical programs: organizations can implement the program related to the compliance and ethics for the purpose of guiding the decision making and behavior of the employees. It must be noted that for managing the risk in the organization it is necessary to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements and the organizations own policies. Monitoring and maintenance of compliance are not just to keep the regulators happy, but it is the path through which organizations can maintain its ethical health and promote its values. Programs related to compliance and ethics not only promote values, but it also provides support to the objectives of the business. These programs also set boundaries for organization in context of their legal and ethical behavior. It frame the system which alert the management of the organization whenever organization getting close to cross the legal and ethical boundary (Kidder, n.d.). Whistleblower protection: whistleblower is the person who blow whistle in the ears of the management of the organization. In other words, whistle blower tells the public or the organization authorities about the alleged misconduct occurring in the organization. This alleged misconduct is occurred in different forms such as violation of any law, rule, or regulation, etc. whistle blowers can make their allegation against internal or external management, etc. there are number of organizations which ensure protection of the whistleblowers by establishing accurate framework for this purpose. Role of mangers: another most important aspect in this is the role played by managers in the ethical decision making. Managers must ensure that they are conducted ethical and legal behavior in the organization because if they conduct such behavior it becomes trend of the organization and ensure ethical decision making (Lumen, n.d.). Conclusion: After considering the above facts, it can be said that organization must establish appropriate framework which ensure equal pay to the employees for equal pay. Equal pay is not only the legal compliance but it is also an ethical compliance. It reflects the moral and ethical values of the organization. References: Bloom, M. (2004). The ethics of compensation systems. Journal of Business Ethics, 52(2), 149-152. Cascio, W. F. (2010). Managing human resources (8th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Demir, R. ACAR, A. (2014). Compensation Management System from a Business Ethics Perspective, Turkish Journal of Business entry, Volume 7(1), Pp 133-148. Fair Work Act-2009. FWC. General protections dismissal. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: FWO. Gender pay equity. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: FWO. Protections at work. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: Human Rights. Equal Pay Handbook. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: Joseph, S. What Are the Benefits of Equal Pay for Women Men?. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: Kidder, E. Ethical Decision Making and Behavior. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: Lumen. Maintaining Ethical Standards. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: Mondaq, (2012). General Protections in the Fair Work Act - Best Practice Guide. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: SMH, (2010). Equal pay is the law, but it is not yet a reality. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: WGEA. Pay equity and legal risk management. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from: Workplace ethics advice, (2011). Pay Equality in the Workplace. Retrieved on 17th March 2018 from:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Uses and applications of Graphene Paper Essay Example

Uses and applications of Graphene Paper Essay Uses A ; Applications of Graphene Paper Abstraction Graphene oxide paper was ab initio separated in 2004 via scientists in the North Western University. It is a sort of paper that is ready from Graphite by oxidization responses. It is 10 times stronger than steel, more slender and tantrum to take power and these belongingss have made graphene paper a miracle stuff. This quality of graphene paper relies on upon the sum of cross-connections between C beds. Now research workers are trying to use graphene paper in diverse commissariats, for the most portion in car, planes, nomadic phones and supplies where graphene paper can replace steel. Divers use are invariably examined these yearss, for illustration, foldaway nomadic phones, versatile sunshine based boards and bionic appliances. In the other manus, there are diverse obstructors research workers are facing now with a specific terminal end to treat graphene paper, for illustration, unadulterated graphene C treasures, expansive step of program required and processing of a batch of this marvel stuff. We will write a custom essay sample on Uses and applications of Graphene Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Uses and applications of Graphene Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Uses and applications of Graphene Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Uses and applications of Graphene paper 2000 old ages ago, persons found paper that changed human correspondences. These yearss specializers at North Western University have ran across an attack to make another sort of paper that is amazing exceptionally solid but lightweight stuff that could be utilized as a portion of diverse Fieldss and will do without anyone else present an agitation later on life. In July 25th, Researchers headed by John Evans and Rod Ruoff reported in the diary Nature the first promotion of graphene oxide that is utilised to treat graphite paper. They said in their journal that the first betterment of graphene-based composite stuff in which this graphene is made up from a sheet of C merely with one molecule of C midst. Diverse mechanical, optical, electrical and warm belongingss of this graphene will supply for it a singular utilizations in typical Fieldss ( North-western University, 2007 ) . Graphene Oxide paper was ab initio separated in 2004 by Ruoff the innovator of a assemblage and this paper can be collapsed, extended and wrinkled and in the same clip its 10 times more slender and stronger than steel. Research workers accepted that this new carbon-based stuff can be utilized as a portion of diverse field, for illustration, atom music directors, sub-atomic capacity and ace capacitances. My dreams have been to level graphite into distinguishable sheets, and after that reassemble those sheets in typical ways, Ruoff told The cardinal idea for the processing of graphite paper is carried out by oxidising black lead to do graphite oxide that will be separated subsequently through a movie and gathered in such a program to treat solid paper ( Cartwright,2007 ) . How graphite paper was made? Analysts started by oxidising this black lead into graphite oxide that will go forth 50 % of the C molecule with harshly connected O atoms. At that point this graphite oxide Layered stuff is portion into small letter home bases that will be stuck together in an even paper like construction using a watercourse of H2O. Water will be traveling about as paste because of the capableness to treat H bonds between H2O and grapheme stairss. When graphite oxide was blended with H2O, O atom will get down to repel H2O atoms motivating power typical beds framed to disperse. This scattered mixture will be sifted at last through a bed and beds will be gathered in a peculiar program to manage this oxide paper. the last effect of this methodological analysis was a sheet of character oxide made up of overlapping atoms that looks like fish graduated tables and few microns thick ( [ Nature Journal2008 ) . The quality of graphene paper depends for the most portion on the sort of cross-connections, stuffs that could be utilized to construct the quality, for illustration, bone and mother-of-pearl, figure and the capacity to alter quickly after their breakage as hydroxyl and epoxy Bunches do. this attributes helped two research workers ;Yilun LiuandBuddies Coat Tsinghua University in Beijing to make another theoretical account of Graphene sheets that are stronger than the first 1 that are much stronger to boot light in visible radiation of the fact that they said that the connexions between graphene beds of the new theoretical account have a more terrific separation, consequently thickness will be diminished to around a half ( the Physics arxiv Blog,2011 ) . Graphene paper compared to another types of documents such as Bucky paper or C60which is used as lubricators and seals for gaskets, scientists found that graphene outperforms any other carbon-based documents in different Fieldss such as tensile strength and stiffness.In plane they re really stiff, but they re besides really compliant, saysRuoff, so they can be folded. . Graphene paper like normal paper, its sheets are strong and stiff in one way due to the presence of H bonds and they are bendy at the same clip ( Dikin,2007 ) . On the off opportunity that we need to contrast steel with graphene paper, we will happen that graphene paper have a phenomenal distortion inflexibleness and likewise hardness mechanical belongingss while steel is unable to swerve and non every bit solid as graphene paper. Graphene paper is six times lighter and five to six times with low thickness than steel. Graphene paper is two times harder than steel and 10 times with higher rigidness. Writhing inflexible nature is the existent contrast between graphene documents and steel in which graphene is 13 Times higher swerving inflexibleness than the steel supplying for it astonishing use in electrical, mechanical and warm Fieldss. These all helped inquires about to variously use graphene paper as a portion of winging and auto commercial ventures allowing them to piece quicker and less taint car, planes that uses less fuel and less expensive to run. Likewise biologically sensible cars, prepares, machines and planes are under developmenta l process ( Ranjbartoreh,2011 ) . Graphene paper can alter optical, electrical, astronauticss and auto industry. At present graphene paper is found in small amounts with dearly-won and boring to do. Diverse commissariats for graphene paper incorporates ; Television and workstation show, Electrical protecting, Heat sprinkling, lightning work stoppage airing, Armor plating, Reinforcement of plastics and polymers, Protection against electromagnetic beats ( EMP ) , Artificial appendages, Electrodes for energy constituents, Sun powered cells, batteries and capacitances and Thermal high temperature sinks for machine and electronic supplies ( Spasenovic,2013 ) . Distinctive requisitions of this-paper like stuff are invariably utilised these yearss, for illustration, as a portion of the conveyers, semiconducting materials and defenders where we can command the electrical force and belongingss without really releasing with the mechanical 1s. Graphene paper are similarly being assorted maintaining in head the terminal end to do cross strain stuffs which hold polymers, ceramics and metal motivating composite stuffs that will execute much superior to any current one as parts in, with regard to instance, in have oning great points, planes, constructions and autos. In a paper that was distributed in July issue of ( Nano letters ) , the assemblage reported that graphene paper could be made electrically conductive by infixing them into glass films. This kind of slender transparent films could be utilized within diverse requisitions, for illustration, in Sun oriented cells and crystalline appliances, for illustration, adaptable coloring material scree ns and electronic documents. Transforming of this sort of films give less expensive options to the normally utilised Tin Oxide coatings which are on a regular basis utilised as crystalline conductive films ( Fellman,2007 ) Since graphene paper are one of the strongest stuffs that are 100 times stronger than steel, its likewise one-particle midst and a planar stuff, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov who are two research workers at the college of Manchester attempted to use graphene paper within what is rung Chicken wire made of C. Well all the more dumbfounding about Graphene is that negatrons do nt disperse to the extent that when they are traveling as they do in different stuffs, for illustration, Silicon. This all helped analysts with a specific terminal end to manage graphene-based transistors which are twice every bit speedy as the old conventional Si 1s which may hold an consequence on the rate of workstations to run quicker than ordinary ( Brody,2012 ) . Graphene will be utilized to blanket the surface of edifice notwithstanding the tops which is as of now being utilized because of its light weight, adaptability and optical density of visible radiation. Graphene is merely approximately crystalline to light nevertheless it can retain 2 % of visible radiation, ( for illustration, UV, Infrared and noticeable visible radiation ) . On the off opportunity that you join together this to the capableness of graphene to take power you will hold an electrical, meager and adaptable channels. This new kind of graphene Sun powered board is, no uncertainty a work in advancement and it will be made up of natural photovoltaic cells that are sandwiched between two beds of graphene and this cell are answerable for altering over suns verve to power. These adaptable and light weight Sun oriented boards are continuously formed so as to suit vehicles organic structure, for illustration, knapsacks that can resuscitate your IPod or telephone and in your garm ents as good. Additionally some adaptable Sun powered boards will be utilized within petition to bear down your smart phone ( Geim,2008 ) . The greater portion of the phones and tablet Pc these yearss have touch screen that permits the person to touch symbols or missive specifically on presentation screen and this idea is focused around a bed that shops electrical charges which are put on glass board on the screen. So when an single touches a screen with stylus pen or finger a charge is exchanged to the client and the charge on the bed will decrease which will be measured by a detector and this information will be taken into a processor to concentrate the move will be made. On history of touch screen made up of graphene that will be utilized within the hereafter in foldaway cell phones as their conductive constituents will be printed on flimsy plastic bed instead than glass so will do phones highly thin and foldaway that they can steal into pocket. With likewise the high quality capacity of graphene, they will do this telephones unbreakable and research workers are come offing off at the first graphene touch screen to de mo up subsequently on in concerns ( Tinnesand,2012 ) . Bionic devices ( the term bionic alludes to science and electronic ) are appliances that are, no uncertainty utilized as a portion of new curative surgeries and they are planted in peculiar life tissues or variety meats so as to verify that this organ is working suitably, for illustration, in manufactured Black Marias and cochlear inserts. Since graphene is thin, adaptable and imperviable to salty ionic consequences that are found inside populating life signifier, they are replacing metallic parts that was utilized within the past. Long retire live, digesting a life clip and no reaching of unsafe metals in the organic structure brings about a important betterment reply for bionic appliances ( Schmidt,2012 ) . Because of the capableness of Graphene paper to direct electrical marks, it can be joined with nerve cells and will direct frail electrical indexs get downing with one cell so onto the following. This can assist to treat Graphene transistors along harmed spinal twine which will assist them to detect nervus driving forces of nervousnesss in the undamaged country and behaviour them to the harmed district where nervousnesss in musculuss are discovered allowing the nervousnesss to work suitably. Consequently, this kind of invention will be utilized as a portion without bounds to command mechanical and fake legs and weaponries. On history of manufactured extremities, small engines are utilised instead than the musculuss within petition to do development and these graphene bionic appliances will hand-off electrical marks to these small engines doing the bogus extremity move ( Lin,2011 ) . One of the obstructors for the readying of graphene paper is coevals of huge adequate and speckless treasures that hold merely C molecules. The locality of Non-carbon shred may upset the ideal hexangular construction of graphene so in the current clip legion specimens are prepared nevertheless they are few square millimeters in size while sheet up to 76 centimeters crosswise over are, no uncertainty dealt with and accomplishments in graphene paper readying develop systematically. An alternate hindrance analysts are sing is the creative activity of one-molecule thick bed of atoms in speckless six sided rings and fixing unadulterated cherished rocks. There are one usually utilised method that is called mixture vapour statement which comprises of go throughing Methane gas at high temperature of 800oc and higher up to 1000oc over a sheet of Cu so the methane shops its Cs and will in a perfect universe produce hexangular sheets where H and different molecules are discharges. Different mod us operandis are utilised to boot, for illustration, fade outing black lead in a dissoluble and will be showered after it in flimsy beds using inkjet-sort pressmans so its warmed maintaining in head the terminal end to disappear the dissoluble and graphene corsets on the paper [ encephalon. 2011 ] [ Tinnesand,2012 ] . A lone bed of black lead is called graphene which could be made efficaciously using a tape. There are typical focal points of graphene as said before which incorporates fundamentally the quality of the graphene and fresh electrical capablenesss and belongingss. Graphene to boot shows diverse favorable fortunes, for illustration, the great adaptability, low atomic weight ( 0.2 g cm-3 ) , the size and form could be uninhibitedly traded in conclusion the high electrical conduction up to ( 15 ? sq?1 ) . A lone bed of black lead is called graphene which might be made efficaciously using a tape. There are typical favorable fortunes of graphene as said before which incorporates largely the quality of the graphene and fresh electrical capablenesss and belongingss. Graphene is known to be 100 times stronger than steel which can keep an car without anyone else s input. These capablenesss and more will act upon the outlining of cars, streets, extensions, planes and supplies that needs to be lig ht and solid will gain from the use of graphene paper. Samsung Company now is taking a shooting at another development by using graphene because of its thin, quality and its unbelievable music director capacity that influence machines, screens and french friess in another signifier of understanding Mobile phone to be foldaway and could be efficaciously slip effortlessly into your pocket [ Brain,2011 ] , [ Cong,2013 ] . Thus, Graphene is stronger than cherished rock, more adaptable than elastic and more conductive than Cu. In the other manus Graphene is waste of hard currency and may be helpful to some yet non all commissariats as a senior British instructor said toDavid Shukmana scientific discipline proofreaders in BBC intelligence. He to boot whined that graphene will neer turn into a radical stuff. More than 60 million dollar is a great trade of hard currency that is required to pump into one specific scope for extraction of graphene. In the dither of funding, high subsidising hard currency, the capableness to bring forth long and thick beds of graphene and conveying graphene into diverse supplies is the most well-known hinderances of Graphite. Additionally, scientists are detecting issues in the extraction of graphene from black lead as specified some clip late. Contempt position is non unusual ; peculiarly the hard currency gives off an feeling of being pointed on base out peculiar extend alte rnatively of the full field of indispensable scrutiny motivating convey significantly all the more in the long tally. in different words, the fuss of interchanging to graphene and costs need to portend good monetarily speaking. ( Shukman, 2011 ) Literature sites Ali.R Ranjbartoreh. ( 2011 ) Graphene paper: thin as paper and 10 times stronger than steel, InJournal of Applied Physics.Retrieved, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Brody, H. ( March 15, 2012 ) . 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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Choose one example of a real protectionist policy that has been

Choose one example of a real protectionist policy that has been Choose one example of a real protectionist policy that has been implemented by the government of some country and discuss the issues surrounding the policy – Essay Example Protectionist policy Protectionist policy is a policy that was set up with the main aim of protecting local domestic industries fromthe aggressive competition of other international industries that seemed to be well established by the use of waivers such as subsidies, tariffs, import quotas or any other restrictions that were placed on the goods imported from other foreign countries (Encyclopedia, 2013). This policy was first adopted by the congress of the United States of America back in 1789 despite their earlier opposition to it as practised by the British. They did this by adopting their first tariff which was aimed at raising revenue (Bartlett, 2013). Despite the Americans adopting the policy a few years after their independence, the tariffs were applied on many of their manufactured goods in the year 1824. The goods that experienced increased tariff rates were glass, lead, iron, hemp and wool. The protectionist policy reached it peak in the year 1828 when the new tariff referred to as Abomination was put in place (Bartlett, 2013). It was during the application of this Abomination tariff that the rates increased up to 49 per cent (Bartlett, 2013). The Americans continued using this policy even after the First World War whereby they argued that the use of high tariffs was necessary so as to be able to reduce the surplus of the treasury as well as to discourage imports. The republican had even passed the Payne-Aldrich tariff under President William Howard in 1909 (Bartlett, 2013). The protectionist policy has been set up and defended by governments of various nations by use of three key arguments. The first and most common reason among applying it claims that high tariffs, as well as subsidies is a way of protecting local jobs for the citizens in the domestic industries (Spruiell, 2006). The argument has been supported by the facts like; an American steel industry that is facing competition from a foreign company of Brazil will Be required to end contracts of the employees as a result of competition caused by cheap steel from Brazil (Spruiell, 2006). The act of laying off the employees will have negative impacts on their families. Another reason is that if the competition from a foreign company that is producing and exporting steel at a unusually low price will lead to the collapse of the local American Steel Company. The collapse of the company will result to the country like US to face double tragedy whereby all workers will lose their jobs   leaving the country with  only choice of having to depend on foreign company for the supply of steel (Edwards, 1991). This dependence on external supply of steel will also be a limitation with devastating effects on the US in case the country goes to war against other nations as it will be difficult to produce the country’s own resources (Spruiell, 2006).Also, this policy has been used as bargaining chip by many governments during various trade negotiation s  neighbouring countries due to the believe that  they have to be at par with each other (Spruiell, 2006). The protectionist policy benefits some industries at the expense of others. In the United States of America for instance, only powerful industries dealing in steels, agribusiness and Textile lobbies have been protected by the policy against completion from foreign companies while most of the other industries have not (Razin,1983). The policy has also saved jobs for the workers in the protected companies and helped those industries avoid financial catastrophe. It has also been useful during trade negotiations among countries (Spruiell, 2006). In case of the US increasing tariffs to protect domestic steel industry against cheap steel from Brazil, the Brazilian steel industry suffered negative impacts of protectionist policy as it affected the ready and reliable market for its steel in the America. The employees of the Brazilian company were not spared as the reduced sales resulted to them losing their jobs (Obstfeld, Maurice, 1982) Protectionist policy therefore,  has both advantages and disadvantages on the entire economy. The protected companies together with the workers enjoy the positive side of the policy while unprotected company faces risk of collapsing due to the foreign competition. Bartlett, B. (2013, March 24) The Truth about Trade in History. Retrieved March 24, 2013, from Encyclopedia, B. O. (2013, March 24). protectionism. Retrieved March 24, 2013, from Spruiell, S. (2006, August 30). Protectionism- Tariffs, Subsidies and Trade Policy. Retrieved March 24, 2013, from Edwards,February 1991,Anticipated protectionist policies Retrieved March 24,2013,from Obstfeld,Maurice, 1982,Aggregate spending and terms:Is there Laursen-Metzler Effect?,The quarterly journal of Economics, MIT press, vol.97(2). Razin,1983, Trade taxes and Current account,Economics Letters,Elsevier,vol.13(1),pages 55-57

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Walmart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Walmart - Essay Example Additionally, the shop also maintains its current clients. For that reason, in a retail shop such as Nice N Easy, broader merchandise selection contributes to 3.4 percent increase in sales. The store manager says that it has a high rate of customer inflow due to the strategy (Soverinsky 96). The broad merchandise selection elevates the number of sales; thus, leading to growth in the shop. With an increase in the number of products for sale, which also target a diverse range of customers, sales levels increase in the firm. Instead of targeting a specific section of the market population, a retailer with more products targets different people with different needs. Therefore, the number of sales increases in the firm leading to growth. For example, in Nice N Easy the number of sales increased by 3.4 percent, as a result of applying the strategy (Soverinsky 96). Broader merchandise selection acts as a form of advertisement. Advertisement and promotion of products is an essential aspect of marketing, which aids in growth of the firm. When a consumer enters to purchase a specific item, another product may attract them. When a customer identifies that a certain product exists in the same shop, there is a likelihood that he or she returns to the same shop to purchase that item or items. At Nice N Easy, regular customers come in to purchase different items due to the fact that they realize they can get that product in the same shop (Soverinsky 96). In conclusion, Walmart needs to broaden its selection of merchandise in order to increase sales, number of customers and also create product promotion. That way, the US discount unit can target a large number of customers enhancing company

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Computer vision for image quality assessment Essay

Computer vision for image quality assessment - Essay Example Image quality assessment is a significant issue as the modern imaging systems has a tendency to introduce artefacts or distortion in the signal (Wang, & Bovik, 2006). The entire process of capture and development of an image is a result of two steps. The first step is the capturing of image by a photographic process. The ideal photographic process is standardised with reference of a pinhole camera. The pinhole camera is a hardware apparatus, which has light reflected from the intended subject passing through the aperture and falling on the plane of image. In practical applications, the camera approximates the ideal pinhole camera image capture process. Ideally, the developed image should exactly capture the amount of light falling on the each part of the image plane of the camera, whether the image is developed chemically (traditional) or digitally (Modern). The second step consists of the processing of the amount of light falling on the image plane. Ideally, the second step should perfectly measure the amount of light falling on different parts of the image plane and hence reproducing the photograph exactly as per the depicted scene, whether on a paper or in the soft copy. In practice, some amount of distortion takes place in each step mentioned in the previous paragraph. The practical cameras are an approximation of the ideal pinhole camera. Thus, the amount of light falling on the image plane is not exactly as reflected by the depicted scene. Similarly, the processing of the image by the measurement of the amount of light in the different areas of image plane is not perfect. The image storing & transmission process may also distort the quality of image. For example, a digital image, which has been compressed, transmitted and decompressed, would not have same quality as the original. Thus, the measurement of the image quality would be the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Solving the Medicare Crisis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Solving the Medicare Crisis - Case Study Example It is worth mentioning that the largest portion of the American economy dumps into health care programs for the citizens of the country. Medicare comprises the largest portion of the health care budget of the US. Due to the sensitivity of issues surrounding US Medicare program, this paper will identify the contemporary challenges, discuss the challenges, other specific issues surrounding the crisis within the Medicare of US. Solving the Medicare Crisis With the growing population of aged people in America, Medicare is gaining much popularity due its structure of saving and providing health care to the old age members of the society. The importance bestowed on Medicare cannot be overlooked at the expense of any other crisis that could be facing the scheme. Worthy to note is that Medicare started experiencing circumstantial crisis in the year 2007 at the verge of global financial crisis. Being among the influential sectors of the economy, US government increased its budget margins exte nded to the health care and Medicare in particular. However, the problems and crisis facing Medicare in US are persistent and unresponsive to the government huge budget allocation to support the program and improve general quality of health care in the US. Currently the government has set a Congress panel to analyze the contemporary crisis and make viable decisions. Why Medicare is in a Crisis and Why Radical Reforms are Necessary The American Medicare is in dire situation of liquidation and termination as the number of consumers faces an upward tilt resulted by the predictable growing number of aged people. Eure (2005) reports that crisis facing health care could increase and become worse than in the future years. In order to preserve and ensure sustainability of the program, certain radical measures are essential and of great need in such a situation. How is Medicare funded now? Why do the elderly feel that Medicare is an insurance program, not a welfare program? Is this perceptio n accurate? According to Robinson (2011), Medicare program gets fund in different ways depending on the divisions. Robinson (2011) mentions that Part A of Medicare program that covers in-patient hospital bills is catered for by Hospital insurance Fund (HI Fund). Part A division of Medicare gets finance from the 1.45% government’s deductions made on the pay slips of workers and employers in general. Part B of the Medicare run by Supplemental Medical Insurance (SMI Fund) covers the appointments of doctors. SMI Funds obtains finances from the premiums and the general national budget. Robinson (2011) exemplifies that premiums and taxes channeled into the SMI Funds undergoes yearly adjustments and therefore can never be overdrawn. Robinson (2011) reveals that the Congressional Budget Office through the reflection of the HI Funds usually determines the stability of Medicare. According to Robinson (2011), in spite of the great contribution of taxes and premiums to the Medicare, the vast cost of Medicare gets financial support from the government. The funding of Medicare program is usually sourced from the taxation of individual employees working in the US economy (Emmanuel, 2011). In addition, individual employees organize for payment of monthly premium that is deducted from the salary of the stakeholders. Eure (2005) unveils that in 2004, individual participants in the Medicare program paid a total of $66. 60 per month.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Virtue Ethics Is Useless Giving No Clear Guidance Philosophy Essay

Virtue Ethics Is Useless Giving No Clear Guidance Philosophy Essay Virtue ethics is person rather than action based; it does not focus on actions being right or wrong but rather how to be a good person. Virtue ethics looks at the virtue or moral character of the person carrying out an action, rather than at ethical duties or rules, or the consequences of particular actions. Essentially, Virtue ethics provides guidance as to the sort of characteristics and behaviours a good person will seek to achieve; it looks at what makes a good person and the qualities or virtues that make them good. Therefore, the immediate answer would be that virtue ethics is useless for guiding action; an ethical system centred on the individual person and what it means to be human does not provide clear guidance on how to act or behave in moral dilemmas. However, presumably a person who is totally virtuous would, as a result, know what to do in certain circumstances, and we could consider these virtues or characteristics that a virtuous person has as a suitable guide for act ion. Like Plato, Aristotle also placed eudaimonia or happiness as the final and overriding end of human activity and therefore goes on to discuss the character traits of a person who is going to achieve eudaimonia. Like Plato and the Cardinal Virtues, Aristotle saw two types of virtues: intellectual virtues which are developed by training and education, and moral virtues developed by habit. Aristotle identified nine intellectual virtues, wisdom being the most important, and suggested that by using our reason we are all capable of being virtuous. However these virtues, including prudence, justice, fortitude, courage and so on, and the overall idea of being virtuous is a bit like a playing musical instrument- it needs teaching and then practiced before it can be played well. Aristotle did, however, suggest that while all people do have the potential to develop these moral and intellectual virtues, only few will actually achieve this. Essentially, these traditional virtues themselves are useless in giving clear guidance for action. A person being courageous or just, for example, perhaps has no use or relevance for someone who is considering an abortion. Guidance for action needs to be somewhat absolute, or if not, atleast relative to certain situations and circumstances; consequences may need to be considered and duties may need to be taken into account. Virtues ethics, being centred on the person and what a person should become, seems to ignore all of these concepts and instead only values certain characteristics that make a person à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"goodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Being a virtuous person is not necessarily clear guidance for action. While it may be conceivable that a completely virtuous person would therefore know what to do or how to act, it still seems illogical to suggest the use of virtues or characteristics of an individual as a way to determine how to act. You also need to consider that if, as Aristot le suggested, only a few will achieve these virtues, then even aspiring to become a virtuous person seems a waste of time. The fact that there is no general agreement on what the virtues are suggests that Virtue ethics is completely useless itself, whereby the virtues that are susposed to benefit human beings are themselves not even absolute or universal. Most virtue theorists say that there is a common set of virtues that all human beings would benefit from, rather than a set for different sorts of people. When considering guidance for action, it seems logical that everyone should abide by the same rules to ensure that everyone is behaving in a way that is perhaps universally acceptable or expected. Since the lists of virtues vary from different times, different societies and cultures and so on, virtue ethics, if common for all humans, does not provide clear guidance on what to do in moral dilemmas. Everyone is different, and if action was to be sought from virtue ethics, then essentially anyone could do what they wanted to if it appears to make them a virtuous person, even if it was frowned upon by oth ers, i.e. being courageous or having magnificence. Ultimately, Virtue ethics is not culturally relative and agent-centred and therefore does not have anything to do with decision making or guiding action. Phlippa Foot suggested that virtues benefit the individual by leading to flourishing and that virtues are good for us by helping us correct harmful human passions and tempatations. However, flourishing and correction of harmful human actvities has no relevance to action. There is perhaps no denying that Virtue ethics does provide general guidance on how to be a good person, but being a good person has no relevence to someone who faces the dilemma of telling a lie to save an innocent life, for example. A virtue ethicist would focus less on lying in any particular instance, but instead consider what a decision to tell a lie or not tell a lie said about the persons character and moral behavior. When someone needs to decide to tell a lie or not, there is no use in them considering what it says about them as a person. Virtue ethics moves away from any sense of duty or belief, and completely ignores the action, yet when considering clear guidance for action, it is the action itself that us ually matters. Rosaline Hursthouse defends Virtue ethics and claims that virtues are virtues because they help a person achieve eudaimonia, and so living a virtuous life is a good thing for a human being. For Hursthouse, being a virtuous person is the most reliable path to flourishing. Hursthouse also attempts to address the criticism that Virtue ethics provides no guidance in moral dilemmas- not by telling us how a virtuous person would act, but by showing how a virtuous person would think about a moral dilemma. However, this approach still seems to ignore the actual action itself and the need for guidance. How a virtuous person thinks about a moral dilemma is not a clear guide for action. Presumably someone who is a virtuous person may be seen as a role model for others, but not necessarily for action. Different individuals are faced with completely different dilemmas, and so advice or guidance is not rooted with the characteristics and talents of another person who is considered virtuous. Robert Louden raised the problem that Virtue ethics cannot be applied to moral dilemmas. He outlined the major criticism that it does help people who are facing a crisis because it does not give any clear rules for action. He argued that it is difficult to work out the virtuous response to stem-cell research or abortion, for example. Essentially, Virtue ethics does not give us an concrete information or answers and instead says that it is more a matter for the practical wisdom of the individual facing the situation. Louden also highlighted that it is difficult to even decide who is virtuous, as acts may appear virtuous on the outside but may not have good motives, and vice versa. Ultimately, Virtue ethics does not accommodate rights and obligations, and so is perhaps inadequate for dealing with big issues or decision making; it does not seem to have a view on what makes an act right and wrong. Overall, Virtue ethics is useless, giving no clear guidance for action. Many may consider the fact that Virtue ethics does not rely on any formula to work out what we ought to do and instead focuses on the kind of person we are as good thing, allowing room for emotions and commitments, friends and family. However, it is this that seems to make Virtue ethics a useless approach to action; Virtue ethics does not provide any rules or guides and instead roots everything in the person and their characteristics, but being a virtuous person does not lead to concrete answers on what to do in compex situations. Decisions about abortion, euthanasia or genetic engineering, for example, does not come from us being virtuous or good people.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

First, a bit of background on the inventor and his innovation. Thomas Davenport lived in Vermont in the 19th century as a blacksmith and shop owner. During the early 1830s, Davenport heard about an interesting invention, and travelled to see Joseph Henry’s electromagnet. The magnet was used in an ironworks to separate different types and purities of iron, but was considered inefficient and was more of an interesting contraption than a useful device. By studying the electromagnet, Davenport figured out how to build his own electromagnet. He also made a few changes and came up with something of his own design.â€Å"He mounted two electromagnets to a pivot, and two others on fixed poles. He than used a battery attached by a commutator (a switching device) to supply current to the system. When he threw the switch the device rotated and thus created the "first" electric motor.†( Davenport had created a battery-powered electric motor, powerful enough to operate some the of the equipment he used in his blacksmith shop. He also believed in the motor’s ability to power locomotives, and built a small electric circular track with electricity-conducting rails and a small battery in the center to power the model train that was on the track to demonstrate its ability. He found the motor had many applications as a power source. He used his electric motor to power a printing press (which he then used to publish a journal about electromagnetism), a small electric car that was one of the first of its kind, and an electric powered piano. Davenport’s motor was unable to be profitable, however. â€Å"No one knew how to predict the amount of energy in chemical batteries, and a battery-powered motor could not compe... ... What they had previously were horses, which were inefficient and time-consuming in comparison. Streetcars were a valuable form of local transportation at the time and are used in some places even today. Davenport’s electric car could also be the prototype for modern electric cars today. The main difference is that his car was on a track. Until then, not many people had considered electricity’s use as a power source for vehicles. Thanks to Davenport’s invention, inventors and scientists could speculate on it’s use and efficiency as a motor for transportation that could be available to the public. The most difficult part of such a task would be how to power the vehicle. The advances and new technology after Davenport were able to take advantage of his motor and the knowledge it gave them, and people were able to create a power source that was practical and efficient.